Our tailored site management service delivers unsurpassed enrollment and retention rates.


Imagine this scenario: you’ve overcome startup challenges and sites are activated but patient enrollment lags behind. This is where our approach comes into its own, as supporting sites beyond the traditional monitoring model were the founding idea behind Ergomed.

Our site management support services are about keeping patients engaged and every data point in check, predicting uncertainties and coping with the unknowns, alleviating any difficulties and delivering results. We take responsibility for the smooth conduct of your trial at the site.

Both our in-country and regional site management team members understand the local practice, health systems, cultural environments and patient habits. As nursing or medical professionals, their track record in building good relationships with sites is seen in the improvements made to overall site compliance with the study protocol and ICH-GCP.

Continuous and ongoing site support allows us to achieve enhanced patient recruitment rates and deliver high-quality data.

Our site management team support the sites in:

  • Continuous training: central laboratory procedures, IMP handling materials, equipment/software and documentation, patient’s visit schedule and procedures, and support with expenses and site invoicing.
  • Patient Recruitment: site-specific patient enrolment plans/goals, feasibility of patient referral programs, relationships with patient advocacy groups/communities, implementation of agreed patient engagement procedures, and local/central advertising.
  • Patient Retention: activities to reduce patient burden, fear and uncertainty, identification of patients at risk of drop out and plans to keep them in the study, and patient concierge services to ease the burden for patients.
  • Logistical and administrative: preparation for first patient visit, tracking and storage of supplies, processing and shipment of samples, assessing/ensuring site compliance in visits scheduling, assessing patient compliance with visit attendance /treatment compliance.